We are located at:
1420 John Adams Street
Oregon City, OR 97045
Phone: 503-656-1484
Fax: 503-650-1976
Oregon City Family Practice, PC

If you have further questions on the insurance plans that we can accept, please call us at:
(503) 656-1484
We accept most insurance plans. A PDF of our list can be found here or on the Useful Resources page. We work hard to keep this online list up to date, but the most current information can be found by calling our practice directly at (503) 656-1484.
Make sure to bring your current insurance card to each office visit.
Although we provide care, we are not associated directly with your insurance plan. Your plan is a contract between you and your insurance company. Make sure you understand what your insurance will and will not cover.
Remember that the statement with a balance due that you receive is after insurance has processed your claim. If you received a statement with a balance due, remember that your annual deductible, co-payment and co-insurance all play a factor in what the insurance states your responsibility is. Your co-payment is required at the time of service. We are always more than happy to set up a payment plan on any balance due. For billing questions or to make a payment please call us at 503-656-1484 and press option 9.
What to Bring to Your Appointment:
Your current insurance card
Government issued photo ID (for new patients)
A list of current medications with dosage, or your medication bottles
Any co-pay that you may have
Our clinic has a onsite lab that is open from 7:00am to 5:15pm, Monday through Friday. It is also open on Saturdays beginning at 8:00am.
Some lab tests may be sent to a reference lab. If this is the case, we will send the test to a lab that your insurance prefers. If your test is sent to an outside lab, you will receive a billing statement from that facility. Please remember that our billing system is not connected to the outside lab. You will need to contact them if you have a question in regards to the statement that they have sent to you.
You will be contacted with your lab results. If you do not receive your results in 2 weeks, please contact our office.
Preparing for Lab Tests
Remain well hydrated, and drink lots of water starting the night before any testing.
Take prescribed medications as usual.
If you are having fasting labs done, do not eat or drink anything 8 hours prior to your lab draw time. Water and black coffee are fine to have prior to your test.
In order to facilitate the safety, security, and accuracy of our patients' prescriptions, we send the majority of our prescriptions and refill requests electronically to the pharmacy.
-Mail Order Pharmacies-
We are also capable of sending electronic prescriptions to mail-order pharmacies. For setup, please have the location and fax number for the pharmacy, as well as a member ID if required.
WE DO NOT ROUTINELY PRESCRIBE OR REFILL ANTIBIOTICS, NARCOTICS, OR SEDATIVES OVER THE PHONE. These types of medications need to be discussed with your provider.
Prescription Refills
If you call our office for a refill, please allow up to 72 hours for us to process your request. Refills are only done during our normal Monday through Friday clinic hours. Please call your pharmacy at least 48 hours in advance before your medication runs out. Be sure to plan ahead for your refill if you are going on vacation or the weekend is approaching. Your pharmacy will contact us during our normal business hours if your prescription refills have run out. Be sure to plan ahead for before your medication runs out, and be sure to plan ahead for vacations and weekends.